Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Standing in awe with a joyful heart!

I love doing these presentations! It's fun getting to interact with students and simply set up the show. Honestly though, one of my favorite things is when the younger students come in. So far we have only had a young as 5th grade (tomorrow we have Elementary students), but it is so fun to watch them. They come into the room with a look of complete amazement because of how big the shows are. I enjoy watching them talk with one another and point at things that they think are "so cool." Dropped jaws, looks of excitement and anticipation, fun clips, loud music... really what could be better in the middle of a school day?? Oh the childlike wonder that is lost so easily when it's not 'cool' anymore.

Situations like this always make me think about simple joys in life and the things that make me stand in awe. Nature is one thing that truly captures me. I could sit and stare at a waterfall or go star gazing for hours. Walking along a beach makes me stand in awe of what a big God we serve. Talking with people and hearing their stories brings me so much joy, even through hard conversations because you can see how they are making it through!  So many people have joked with me about this, or made fun of me, who knows which one more, but I have three simply joys in life that I reference so often (although there are so many others things too!!!). They are: puppies, waterfalls, and swings. I could be entertained and completely content around or with any of those things. I realized a few months ago that even though they seem silly, they are also things that God uses to show me love. He delights in us and I truly believe the joy I receive from these is from the Lord. 

Today was no different. As I was walking into our little cottage at the bed and breakfast, there was a cute old dog walking in the yard. It acme toward me and surprise! surprise! I started petting it. Then I didn't leave. If you would have walk by, this is what you would have seen: a key hanging in the door, my water bottle and notebook on the ground, me sitting in the door way, work clothes still on, purse around my shoulder, petting this cute & soft dog! It was so peaceful and the best thing I could have asked for after getting home from work!  What pure joy!

The idea of joy, and how different it truly is from happiness, makes me stand in awe of God. The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Joy provides us with strength through Christ to endure. The Bible has several passages that talk about joy and perserverance in order to make it through hardships.

What brings you joy? What is it in the deepest parts of your heart that makes you feel the most loved? What are places that you go or things that you see that make you feel the most at peace? Take joy in the simple things. Look for joy today and everyday.  Stand in awe of God with joyful praises of thanksgiving and adoration!

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