Friday, September 17, 2010

Precious Blessings!

I am a planner. If something is supposed to happen that involves me or I am taking part in, I want to know that things are set. I am detail oriented, but with that I do not have a hard time going with the flow or being flexible. I say this because when I heard that I was going to be in Kansas the first thing I thought of was that Barclay College is in Kansas! This sparked my interest and I started doing my “research.” Everything was several hours away from Barclay. If I’m that close I have to make it there somehow right? There are so many people that I love and miss!  Anyway, as I kept looking and trying different routes, I realized that in-between two of our schools we had about a 6 or so hour drive and the directions took us up north. So I typed in Barclay as our middle stop, which took us south. It ended up only being 30 miles different! Trying to make this work meant a tricky situation for us not getting to our next school. We would get to Haviland around dinner time Wed., and then have to leave at 6am to drive 4 hours to our school for that afternoon. I knew it was a stretch, but it would be so worth it for me! Other than just seeing good friends, this date was perfect because it was a Wednesday night which meant that I could go to youth group and see my kids! I ended up asking Dorina if she would be willing to do this, saying that I would drive the whole way in the morning so she could sleep, and explaining why I wanted to go (not that my excitement wasn’t evident!!!). She said yes and I was SO excited!

Well Wednesday evening I was at Barclay. It was such a blessing to be there. I had the opportunity to spend the evening with Becca, one of my roommates from there, as well as surprise all of my youth group kids, visit with a wonderful professor and his dear wife (who both have had a major impact on my life, even now!), as well as see the new things around Haviland. And for those of you who know how small Haviland is these new things are a big deal and are pretty awesome. There is a new coffee shop, new landscaping on the grounds, and a new men’s dorm. 

It was simply wonderful! These last few weeks I have been so blessed with having the opportunity to see several people within the last month, many of them I was not expecting to see! I know that every week, or month, I will not be near people that I know, but it is refreshing to connect with people that I know love me and who I love immensely! I also have had the opportunity to share with them what I am up to this year, so I know I have more prayer support as well. I am grateful for the people I know and the depth that surrounds so many of my relationships! These are the people who I will and have kept in contact with and who will be part of my community while I am away from home! I am so grateful for these precious moments, memories, but most of all people!!

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