Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Your life is worth it!

Your life is worth it! I wanted to say that over and over again to a student at our school today. A student I've never met, or even seen.

Things started just like a normal day, and basically the whole day was a normal day, but I was deeply saddened by something that has become way too "normal". Michelle and I arrived at our school at 6am this morning, ready to crawl back in bed instead of work. We did our normal thing-- set up the equipment and get ready for the show. At about 6:50am our contact comes in and introduces himself, then asks if we are going to be ready in 20min. for the first show (our itinerary said it wasn't supposed to start until 7:45am). Luckily he was very flexible (although he came back later and told me he was a little nervous about the time) and we were able to be to have the show start at 7:10 anyway. Again, some changes but a pretty normal day so far.

We had four shows back to back at this high school in New York. The 2nd show had some pretty obnoxious students which created some issues and resulted in at least one suspension. I include this because as we were gearing up for our third show our contact came down, seeming a little exhausted already, and started talking with us. Now most principals and administrators already have a lot on their plate, so special days for assemblies and things can be a bit tricky to their already hectic schedule. He started sharing what a crazy morning it already was-- he was up most of the night with a sick child, 2 administrators were out sick, 2 security guards were not there today, a fight broke out first thing in the morning that was still trying to be resolved several hours later, then their was the kid in our 2nd presentation who had just been suspended. Sounds like a lot right? I would say so! Then the last thing that he said had me to the point of tears. He said "Oh plus we have a student in the guidance office who was ready to jump out of the second floor window and was found cutting herself in the bathroom. We called her mom and told her she needed to take her to the hospital but right in front of her daughter she refused because she couldn't pay for that kind of thing."  

Man did my heart become heavy! I seriously had to hold back tears for this girl. I just wanted to go up and hug her, to tell her she was worth it. She definitely hasn't been getting that message. I don't know anything about her, or her family life, or anything. I never saw her face, but I was so burdened just by hearing this story. After talking a little bit more with our contact, we heard that she doesn't feel too great at home either and things aren't the greatest there. So now, later on in the day, I'm sitting here questioning what things are like now. Is she at home feeling completely alone? Is her mom upset because she got called about this when the daughter knew they didn't have money to take her to the hospital? Are people telling her she is overreacting and its just a part of this time in her life? Are the reasons for her feelings being discussed and not discredit it? Did she or will she get the help/love/encouragement/hope that she needs?

Cutting and suicide is some that I have been very sensitive to for several years, partially just because of the value of life. For things to become so dark that there seems to be no other option is one of the worst feelings.  I know that stories like this girl are way too common. I know sometimes there is just a search for attention or to gain control of some aspect in life, but its still a severe issue and each incident should be approached individually and appropriately. Several students feel like this daily and several of them cut or attempt to take their own lives. Then there are the sad cases that actually succeed. I know this is the reality of it. But I hate it. I just wanted to go hug that girl, tell her I care for her, and tell her about the love of Jesus. That no, things may not be perfect, but he promises to never leave you nor forsake you. I wanted to go up to her and say "Hi you don't know me, but I just wanted you to know that I am hurting for you and care about you and love you!" And I would have meant every bit of it!

I spent most of our next presentation praying for her. Praying that she would find peace. Praying that the lies she has been hearing would be drowned out by beauty and hope. Praying that Jesus and his mighty power would surround her and show her the way to new life!

I want to be faithful that whenever God brings this situation to mind, that I will spend sometime to pray for her. I will probably never step foot into that school again, let alone meet her, but our God is big and he knows her by name!

God is good and hears our prayers even when we don't know the people we are praying for! Make sure we value each other and ourselves. Offer hope and remind people that life is worth it even on the darkest days!  Pray for people. Love people. Care for people. Carry their burdens.

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