Sunday, November 14, 2010

Texas Tales

Monday after we left Barclay we left for Texas. We will be here basically through the end of the month except for one day of shows in New Mexico and the 5 days I get to be in Oregon for Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!! (I'm only a LITTLE excited about that part!)  Dorina was super excited to come to Texas because its warmer and the first day we got here I was already missing my hoodies, even though the evenings have been quite chilly!  We had four shows this week. Each school we go to we normally have nice contacts, but some just by nature end up being more hospitable and into conversations. I feel like that was the case with each of our schools this week. There was even one school that made us Mocha (for D of course!) and Chai. Glorious? Absolutely! 

Currently we are staying in Midland, TX. By the time we leave we would have been here for 6 nights, which is actually nice considering that we didn't have to pack up our stuff everyday, instead there was just a small explosion in our room!  The week has been pretty uneventful. I did have one guy ask me if I actually had a room at the hotel because every time he walked by I was either in the lobby on the couches or at the guest computer, which is where I am  now (I won't have a new computer cord for my laptop till I get to Oregon!). It was pretty hilarious but it sparked a conversation.

I think two of my favorites night were Wednesday night and Saturday night. Wednesday night I decided that I didn't want to just sit in my hotel room and just be on the computer (my cord didn't die till the next day!), so I went to Starbucks. All I brought with me was my Bible, journal, and a book called Life Together that talks about Christian community. Basically I sat in Starbucks for several hours with my peppermint hot chocolate of course just reading my Bible and writing out my thoughts. It was so much more than simply doing my devotions. It was digging in and pulling apart the stories in order to understand more. It was so amazing and it captures my heart! The Bible is full of so much. I overlook so many things when I simply read just to said I read my Bible. Again I honestly believe this is part of a new depth and chapter of my life that God is taking me on and I love it! I crave more and luckily its available!

Last night, thanks to the wonderful Bri Poster for letting me know about it, I went to a Barlow Girl and Reilly concert. If you are like me you have never heard of Reilly. Look them up!! They were amazing and have battling violins and all that! It was so cool! The night was called "An acoustic winter's night." So with that it wasn't a normal concert and it had a mixture of regular songs they perform and Christmas songs. All in all though it was such a time of worship. It wasn't just a concert where I went to go listen to some people perform, it was being blessed by the talents that God has given these brothers and sisters in Christ as we worshiped our Lord and love together! After the concert I had some conversations with some complete strangers, but we serve the same God so we already had a connection that fueled our talk!  It was amazing that the concert was only 20 minutes from our hotel. I left that evening so joyful and thankful for the God that we serve! I want more of him!

As it comes to mind I would ask prayer for a few things: 1) obviously safe travels- between now and Christmas we will be in TX, NM, AR, LA, and back to TX, and this doesn't include our Thanksgiving travels.  2) I personally have been praying for more opportunities to share Christ. I know they are all around, and I am continually meeting people, but I want the eyes and heart to see people like Christ does and share with them what he has in store for them instead of just my life on the road! Open doors and open hearts!  3) Next semester: our boss has a very tough job. He is in the process of placing people with their partners, in their regions, as well as figuring our places for the vans and how people are getting home for Christmas. That's a lot when their at 14 different teams! I know the person I would really like to tour with, as well as my regions. My prayer is that I will be diligent to pray for my boss, have patience to wait, and trust that whatever happens is what needs to happen! I'm just excited and ready to know! Thank you! Blessings!

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