I have been back in California for two weeks now, although it feels like its been a lot longer. I was blessed with a 2 1/2 week Christmas break back home in Ohio with my family and friends. That was such a good time! First off I hadn't been back in Ohio since last Christmas, and normally whenever I would go home it would only be for about a week to a week and a half. It was nice to have the chance to see a lot of people while also having days to just relax at home.
I have to admit though, having such a great break made it really hard to come back to California. Its not that I don't like my job, but there were definitely things that I was apprehensive about with coming back (and I still kind of am). But not knowing is part of my trusting process with God. I want it so I can grow closer to God, but its soooo hard at the same time. I also just really enjoyed my time with family and friends. It was good to see my momma, sister, grandmas, and friends who I had not seen since last Christmas as well as my dad who I hadn't seen since August. I was also able to see my family in Kentucky who I hadn't seen in five years- that included having good conversations, laughter, being a human jungle gym, the perfect Christmas Eve snow, and just a wonderful time with family.
Since I have been back I have had a mixture of working in our office and doing shows. My first week was mostly office work, which partially included painting and moving furniture. I really enjoyed those days! The shows have been going well. Being local means traveling within mostly Southern Cali, but sometimes the drives take longer based on the traffic (oh LA!) which has meant some pretty early mornings. It has been good though. This week is another fairly full week of shows in Southern California. Depending on how things work with the others girls I am living and what my boss decides, this semester I could be in Northern California or the Pacific Northwest (I hope!)
One thing that I am hoping to do it gain a good community of people out here, especially with the church I am attending. I mean I live with some great girls but I really would like to get connected in church as well since I am not moving around quite as much this semester. I just contacted people this week about getting involved in something called Life Groups, they are basically small groups to form more in depth relationships. Hopefully this week I will start attending one. I am really looking forward to meeting new people, getting involved and enjoying some more fellowship.
These last few weeks have been both good and a struggle. I feel like at times I have been battling a bad attitude (most people probably couldn't recognize it), had some great interactions, really missed people back home and in Oregon, and really enjoyed my time in CA as well. Its been messy in my head and heart! I don't know what God has in store for me, but I feel like he is preparing me for what's next--- that time just isn't here yet and I must remain focused on where he has me now. I know that either way God is the one who sustains me and gives me the hope, endurance and strength that I need. My prayer is that I will remain faithful to whatever comes my way, both of my normal schedule and the things that God throws in the mix! Who knows whats going to happen! But God is good!
With that, I am now getting back in gear, used to being back, and I also plan on blogging on a regular basis again! May God bless you richly as you serve him and as we as the body of Christ seek to do his will. He is everything! No matter how I feel or what I want, may God be glorified! That is my prayer and hope this semester! Thanks for keeping up with me!